Read this if you’ve ever questioned the role of a Pastor…
I watched a video a few days ago on the mega church Pastor and the money hungry prosperity gospel that’s “taking over America.”
At first, my heart was broken at this sweeping trend in the church world. I pondered how could it be? How did we get here? Could this be true? No wonder the profession of “Pastor” is near the bottom of a survey of the most-respected professions, just above “car salesman.”
After you get through the emotions of that video, you then ask “what’s the truth?”
According to DataUSA, there are 458,000 Pastors in the United States, and the average income of those Pastors are $46,000. Wait, what? We are being sold that every Pastor is a con artist who’s trying to weasel you out of your last few dollars so that he can play golf every day, yet the data suggests they are making as much as a machine assembler and a food service manager.
There are a small percentage of Pastors who are living exorbitant lifestyles. Only 2,300 total or 0.5% of Pastors make over $160,000 per year, yet this isn’t the lie we have been told.
The truth is, more than 325,000 Pastors work 55-75 hours a week. Over 400,000 say pastoring has a negative effect on their family. Fifteen hundred Pastors per week leave the ministry and almost 400,000 say they fight burnout daily.
Why would Pastors stay in a job for approximately $15 an hour knowing it has a negative effect on their family, they will fight with burnout daily, and watch all of their peers leave the ministry daily? Why would they continue pressing forward amid a negative view of them in society and the complaints from the congregation?
Why would anyone want to Pastor?
Well, the truth is, as Pastors, we knew what we were getting into. James 3:1 (ESV) says, “Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.” Acts 20:28-29 calls Pastors to “pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood. I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock.”
We knew this was a part of the calling, yet we press forward. We knew the path wouldn’t be easy, yet we continue. We knew it would be lonely at times, yet we hold on to God’s promises.
To the congregants reading this…
Your Pastor is not perfect. In fact, they are human and struggle with the same struggles you battle with.
Your Pastor needs your accountability, but also your support.
Your Pastor isn’t making millions off of little old ladies. They are most likely taking money out of their own pocket to make ministry happen every week.
Love them, show them grace, keep living out God’s word, and keep praying for them.
To the Pastors reading this…
No one understands, no matter how much you wish they did. You signed up for this, so keep dusting yourself off and keep pressing forward.
Be a good steward of God’s money so you don’t bring reproach against the Kingdom of God.
Don’t get weary in well doing. The United States needs your voice and influence now more than ever. Don’t give up, keep going. Don’t allow the voice of the insignificant to steal the future God has for you.
At first, my heart was broken at this sweeping trend in the church world. I pondered how could it be? How did we get here? Could this be true? No wonder the profession of “Pastor” is near the bottom of a survey of the most-respected professions, just above “car salesman.”
After you get through the emotions of that video, you then ask “what’s the truth?”
According to DataUSA, there are 458,000 Pastors in the United States, and the average income of those Pastors are $46,000. Wait, what? We are being sold that every Pastor is a con artist who’s trying to weasel you out of your last few dollars so that he can play golf every day, yet the data suggests they are making as much as a machine assembler and a food service manager.
There are a small percentage of Pastors who are living exorbitant lifestyles. Only 2,300 total or 0.5% of Pastors make over $160,000 per year, yet this isn’t the lie we have been told.
The truth is, more than 325,000 Pastors work 55-75 hours a week. Over 400,000 say pastoring has a negative effect on their family. Fifteen hundred Pastors per week leave the ministry and almost 400,000 say they fight burnout daily.
Why would Pastors stay in a job for approximately $15 an hour knowing it has a negative effect on their family, they will fight with burnout daily, and watch all of their peers leave the ministry daily? Why would they continue pressing forward amid a negative view of them in society and the complaints from the congregation?
Why would anyone want to Pastor?
Well, the truth is, as Pastors, we knew what we were getting into. James 3:1 (ESV) says, “Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.” Acts 20:28-29 calls Pastors to “pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood. I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock.”
We knew this was a part of the calling, yet we press forward. We knew the path wouldn’t be easy, yet we continue. We knew it would be lonely at times, yet we hold on to God’s promises.
To the congregants reading this…
Your Pastor is not perfect. In fact, they are human and struggle with the same struggles you battle with.
Your Pastor needs your accountability, but also your support.
Your Pastor isn’t making millions off of little old ladies. They are most likely taking money out of their own pocket to make ministry happen every week.
Love them, show them grace, keep living out God’s word, and keep praying for them.
To the Pastors reading this…
No one understands, no matter how much you wish they did. You signed up for this, so keep dusting yourself off and keep pressing forward.
Be a good steward of God’s money so you don’t bring reproach against the Kingdom of God.
Don’t get weary in well doing. The United States needs your voice and influence now more than ever. Don’t give up, keep going. Don’t allow the voice of the insignificant to steal the future God has for you.
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